Find your place at Asbury
Our Community
Asbury is filled with people from lots of backgrounds. Some folks have been in Durham since they were born while others have arrived recently.
Whether you are searching for a place to call home for this season or forever, you are welcome here.
At Asbury UMC we:
- Affirm the dignity, worth, and rights of Immigrants, migrants, and refugees.
- Recognize that displaced people are especially vulnerable.
- Urge all to welcome the stranger as Jesus in our midst.
- Oppose all laws that criminalize, dehumanize, or punish displaced individuals or their families.
Find community in worship, service, and fellowship with our weekly small groups, music ministries, children & family ministries, preschool, food distributions, and more!
Weekly Sunday Worship is at 10:30AM in the sanctuary and streamed to Facebook Live.
Check out our newsletter for a complete list of opportunities in our community.
Pastor Wes was featured in Divinity in an article about finding grace in times of conflict.
Our Stance on Immigration
En Asbury, Iglesia Metodista Unida, nosotros:
- Afirmamos la dignidad, valor, y derechos de los Inmigrantes, Migrantes y Refugiados.
- Reconocemos que las personas desplazadas son especialmente vulnerables.
- Urgimos a que todos les demos la bienvenida al extranejro como Jesus en medio nuestro.
- Nos oponemos a toda ley que criminaliza, deshumaniza o castiga personas desplazadas o a sus familias.