Our Story
One hundred and thirty years ago on the Trinity College baseball fields, the sound of cracking bats would stop each Sunday morning, while choruses of old hymns rose from the bleachers. Folks might not have known it then, but those informal gatherings -- at the edge of the bustling mill village called West Durham -- were the beginnings of Asbury United Methodist Church, which began as West Durham Methodist Episcopal Church South, is proud of its long-standing ties to Trinity College/Duke University and the west side of town. Rooted in a tight mill community where people lived, worked and played together, the congregation now finds itself an active participant in the unfolding conversation about how our city can be a welcoming place for all people.
Our current building was completed in 1926, when churches, schools, and our community were racially divided. . Through the 1950's and 60's Asbury Church thrived in one part of the community but excluded another. As Durham changed, the Asbury community followed slowly and entered into a long term process of decline. As was the case with so many urban churches, members moved to the suburbs, the demographics of the neighborhood around us changed, and Asbury held on for life. Connections with the community were nurtured through outreach to Duke’s East Campus, through an annual Christmas tree lot, and through the founding of a thriving pre-school, but gradually the congregation required a new start.
In 2017, Asbury United Methodist Church began a season of creative engagement with the intent of truly being a community for our neighborhood, and for all people. In 2021 Asbury formed the Durham Central Mission Cooperative (DCMC) with three other United Methodist communities of faith: Iglesia La Semilla — a Spanish-speaking outreach ministry and worshipping community, Six:Eight Church, and the Airo Community. These four churches worked in partnership until this last summer, when the mission cooperative became, for the present time, a partnership between Asbury and Iglesia la Semilla. As we work and serve together, we trust the God of resurrection, who has called ALL people to himself. We invite you to be a part of the new thing that God is doing on the corner of Markham and Clarendon. Join us this Sunday at 10:30am in person or Facebook to get to know us. You will be warmly welcomed.